Community Bowl
in cooperation with
sylc. Simplify Your Life Campus Apartment Hotel


Welcome to Hamburg United's first annual Community Bowl international 5-on-5 flag football tournament.

The Community Bowl is Hamburg United's international 5-on-5 flag football tournament for men/mix and women's teams in Europe and around the world. The tournament is geared towards strengthening bonds in local and international communities. For that reason, half of all proceeds generated from this tournament will be donated to an organization in the local community, whose core focus includes intercultural interaction. All remaining proceeds will be used to cover the costs of the tournament, to support our club members/teams and for the eventual construction of our Active Living and Learning Center (ALLC).

General Info

Community Bowl 2023 will take place on April 15th and 16th in beautiful Hamburg, Germany and be held at Sportpark Steinwiesenweg. The address is Steinwiesenweg 30, 22527 Hamburg. The preliminary time schedule, based on a full 32-team tournament, is as follows:

  • Saturday: 9:30 (captains meeting), 10:00 (group phase begins), 17:30 (end of group phase).
  • Sunday: 10:00 (playoffs and placement games begin), 16:00 and 16:30 (finals), 17:15 (medal ceremonies).


The tournament will consist of a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 32 total teams. To be more specific, there will be:

  • a minimum 8 and a maximum of 20 teams in the men/mix division.
  • a minimum 6 and a maximum of 12 teams in the women's division.

sylc. Apartment Hotel:
Kronsaalsweg 88, 22525 Hamburg

sylc. apartment hotel is in 15 minutes walking distance to Sportpark Steinwiesenweg (Bezirkssportanlage Steinwiesenweg). There are also multiple grocery stores in the area (Rewe, Aldi and Lidl), which are about 6-8 minutes walking distance from the apartment hotel. Be sure to check out the area and walking route on Google Maps.

When booking your stay online, please use the booking code HHU2023 to secure a 20% discount off the standard rate. The discount applies to all apartment categories and for any number of number of guests.

Please be advised that there will also be some music concerts in Hamburg on that weekend in the Barclays Arena and available accommodations may quickly become scarce. With that said, we suggest booking your stay sooner rather than later. The booking can still be canceled if necessary.

Registration and Payment

The registration period is now closed.

The registration fee is €125 per team. However, if you would like to register 2 teams from the same organization, for example a men/mix and a women's team from the same organization, registration would be €200 for both teams.

There are two simple steps to sign up for the tournament.

  1. Accurately fill out the Community Bowl registration form.
  2. Transfer the payment.

Payment options

  • PayPal (send as Family & Friends):
  • Bank transfer (German bank accounts only):
    Hamburg United e.V.
    IBAN: DE62 2019 0003 0000 8647 06
    "Community Bowl 2023 registration + team name"

*It is important to keep in mind that registrations can only be confirmed once payment has been received.

Questions and Updates

We will post updates on this webpage and on our Instagram page. As teams register for the tournament, they will be added to the table below. If you have any questions regarding the tournament, please comment on our Instagram event posts or use our contact form.

We look forward to seeing you at Community Bowl 2023!

Participating Teams



Hamburg United (DE)
